
November 1, 2001

When asked how he got into the spring manufacturing business, Ernie DeSantis smiles and says, “About 50 years ago I needed a summer job; I found it interesting and stuck with it.  It’s interesting to think that it’s a business that grew out of necessity and became a way of life.”  DeSantis Industrial Spring and Stamps Inc. is located in Caledonia and owes its survival to, among others, Wayne Knox and the Grand Erie Business Centre.  Having bought an existing business located in Cayuga from Elgin Houison in June of 1974, Ernie and his wife Nada had worked side-by-side in the business.  In 1992, the industry was undergoing rapid change and the business was facing a crisis.  The firm's banker had called in its loans.  When a Business Development Bank of Canada Case Counselor and the Grand Erie Business Centre were able to intercede and rearrange financing so that debt was reorganized, new working capital was made available and the Ontario Development Corporation financed the purchase of new computerized machining and manufacturing equipment to ensure the firm's competitiveness.

In 1997, the business relocated to the current 20,000 square foot premises.  Employing up to 40 people operating on two shifts, the business uses modern robotic manufacturing machinery sourced from Taiwan and Japan producing custom stamping and wire spring components.  It is a true family business; all the DeSantis children are involved in the company.  Increasingly, responsibility for day-to-day operations is being handed over to the succeeding generation.  In a family business, communication and relationships are the key to continuing success.  Once a month, all the children, spouses and grandchildren get together for a large family breakfast.  The DeSantis’ recognize that the key to having a successful business is having a successful family.  This pattern of building relationships is mirrored at the business where, once a month, pizza is brought in and everyone is able to eat and discuss matters away from the noise of the machinery.

It takes more than just product knowledge to create a successful business; Ernie DeSantis says, “Don’t let anyone tell you there aren’t any jobs, but it’s hard to find those who are willing to work hard.  When the chips were down, Grand Erie were the ones who were there to work with us to turn it around.”  The success story of DeSantis Industrial Spring and Stamps Inc. had many contributors, the DeSantis’ knowledge and work ethic, their strong family unity, FBDB Case counseling, professional advisers, and the appropriate financing arrangements at the right time on the right terms, all combined to sustain what is now a vibrant and successful member of the Caledonia business community.
