
November 28, 2011

Huron Business Development Corporation, Seaforth

“Those of us who work within the Community Futures Program often forget what a remarkable model it provides to other nations,” says Huron Business Development Corporation Manager Paul Nichol.  “Showcasing our program to Chinese visitors made me very proud – as a CF practitioner, a rural development advocate, and a Canadian.”

In November 2008, Huron BDC welcomed delegates from Xinxiang Province in the People’s Republic of China.  The 12 visitors were on a study tour to examine various approaches to business financing in rural communities.

By talking with HBDC representatives, and visiting projects and businesses, the delegates gained a sound knowledge of rural issues in Ontario, as well as the important role that CFDCs play in stimulating rural economies.

The Chinese were most intrigued by the governance structure:  local community volunteers make the decisions about business financing and what projects receive support.

Photo:  Joyce Holwerda of FedNor, Jane Muegge of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, along with Paul Nichol, HBDC Manager and Pam Stanley of the HBDC Board welcome delegates from China

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