
January 2014

The Business Help Centre (CFDC) of Middlesex County was registered in August 2001; one of the first of the new round of Community Futures organizations to be funded by the Federal Government.  The County of Middlesex played an integral role in making a case
for the organization to be established, and still plays a very active partnership role with the CFDC.

The office serves a population of just over 70,000, known as Middlesex County.  The County is a predominately small urban and rural community, made up of 7 amalgamated municipalities and villages that surround the City of London.  These communities vary in population from 400 to just over 12,000.

Upon opening its doors, the role of the CFDC was quickly established as not only a centre of business consulting and lending, but also as a hub for wide-ranging community economic development support.  In this vein, the CFDC holds loan portfolios made up of both general and Sand Plains Community Development funding, and has played an active role in delivering programs in the areas of downtown revitalization, business education, internships, youth entrepreneurship, social enterprise, and tourism.

The newest project of The Business Help Centre (CFDC) of Middlesex County is the launch of its Centre for Non-Profit Collaboration.  Within its recently purchased and renovated location, the CFDC will be hosting a special education series, as well consulting directly with non-profit organizations to help strengthen and sustain their services throughout Middlesex County.  Thanks to funding provided through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and The Ontario Trillium Foundation, an added staff of 4 is on board at the Centre to offer direct programming in the areas of Fund Development, Communications, and Financial Management to strengthen the local nonprofit centre.  Equipment rentals, “hotel-style” office space, and meeting room rentals are also being made available.

Business Help Centre staff

The Business Help Centre (CFDC) of Middlesex County Staff (L-R):  Melanie Prosser, Brian Chalmers, Jodie Campbell, Tonya Dendrinos, Cara Finn, Sherri Sword