
October 06, 2004 - by Maril Swan, Tweed News

The Steering Committee was delighted by the turnout on September 27 at the Hungerford Hall.  As people drifted in, more chairs were set out to accommodate the crowd.
Just after 7:00 p.m., Reverend Bill Perry opened up the meeting by introducing The Steering Committee and adding some background information about what the committee has been doing for the past three months.  He then turned the floor over to Bob Cloes, of Community Futures Development Corporation.
Mr. Cloes informed the audience that Community Futures invests in businesses and communities, by lending money and giving assistance with projects.  He said that $6 million was invested in the Municipality of Tweed as loans to businesses.  He also stated that some funds may be available to help with local revitalization initiatives.  He and his wife, Lynn, have worked closely with the Steering Committee to develop ideas and action plans, to help Tweed move toward a vision of the municipality over the next ten years.  They conducted business and residential surveys to find the strengths and weaknesses in the municipality.  Using that data, the Steering Committee created a mission statement and a community vision to serve as guidelines for future plans.
Following Bob Cloes’ remarks, Evan Morton, Curator of the Tweed Heritage Centre, gave an impassioned talk on Tweed and its many features, especially the vintage buildings on Victoria Street.  He reviewed a study done in 1994, commissioned by the municipal council of the time.  The study suggested that Tweed needed a theme for its streetscape, and the author of the report rendered in colour many of the buildings along Victoria Street.  Mr. Morton pointed out the former Queen’s Hotel, later a convent and currently an apartment building.  He lamented its present condition and wished it could be restored to its original state.  One of the items commended in the 1994 study, was the pristine condition of the upper storey of the Victoria Street buildings, an architectural feature worth preserving.
Maril Swan briefly outlined how the Steering Committee had created three main action committees, then invited the audience to join one of the committees by filling in a form indicating what times and days were best for meetings.
The attendees then moved to the table for their chosen committee and settled down to business.  The most popular committee (and having the most fun, it seemed) was the Economic Development Committee, co-Chaired by Barb Gunning and Dave Cronhielm.  At least 15 people surrounded the table, enthusiastically exchanging ideas.  By the end of the meeting, they had determined on a project and a subsequent meeting on October 18.
The Culture and Recreational Committee had about eight members, and is co-Chaired by Evan Morton and Jeremy McQuigge.  They decided to do an inventory of what Tweed already has, find out what is lacking and then tackle some projects.  The group has its next meeting October 5.
The Community Services Committee drew about nine members and is co-Chaired by Stan Meeks and Maril Swan.  The group determined that seniors’ needs were a priority, especially with the possible closing of Seniors’ Club #399, which meets at the Hillside Apartments.  Members will interview seniors from all areas of the municipality, and find out what services and facilities would add quality to their lives.  Ideas about more community involvement were suggested, and more will be done on this subject.  The next meeting is on October 14, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.
As plans and projects develop, more people will be needed to participate.  The Steering Committee will keep Municipalities of Tweed residents informed of our progress and of the ongoing projects.  We ask that the public be ready to support these projects with your help, whether physical or financial.  Anyone interested in joining one of the committees, may call Evan Morton at 478-3989 or Maril Swan at 478-2017.