
June 20, 2005

ST. THOMAS, ON – The Perth Community Futures Development Corporation was recognized last week for demonstrating excellence in serving the Community Futures mandate.  The Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations (OACFDC) presented the Fifth Annual Community Futures Awards in partnership with Desjardins Financial Security.

This years’ winner was honoured at the OACFDC’s 2005 Conference, ‘Venture North-Allons-y!’, which took place June 12 to 14 at the Days Inn Hotel in Timmins.

“Since we started the Perth County Community Futures in 2002 our peers in Huron have helped us every step of the way and have invited us to work together on a multitude of projects” says Dave Shearer, President of the Perth Community Futures.  “It is an absolute pleasure to work together in partnership to achieve economic development successes as a region.”

Perth County CFDC while working with Huron BDC have been pivotal in launching business services to local entrepreneurs with such programs as “SPARK”, which is a website that offers information to youth for business and career opportunities in the region and “Opportunity Knocks! Stories of Opportunity in Huron-Perth”, which was offered to potential physician recruits and their spouses as part of the Huron Perth Hospital Alliance Annual Recruitment Event.

Perth CFDC received the Outstanding Achievement Awards trophy along with a cheque for $250 which will assist to fund the Shakespeare to Shoreline Project.  The Awards program also included awards for Entrepreneur of the Year, as well as Youth, Innovation and Community Economic Development Initiatives.

‘Venture North-Allons-y!’ attracted a cross-section of nearly 300 participants including CFDC staff and volunteers, as well as municipal, provincial and federal government representatives.

CFDCs support community economic development by assisting Ontario’s rural and northern communities to strengthen and diversify their economies.  CFDCs are community-based, non-profit organizations run by a board of local volunteers.  CFDCs are staffed by professionals who encourage entrepreneurship and the pursuit of economic opportunities. 

The OACFDC is a provincial association committed to supporting and providing services to its membership to enhance capacity, efficiency and effectiveness.  Information about the Community Futures program and ‘On the Horizon’ can be found on line at the website.