
November 14, 2005

November 4, 2005 - The SD&G Community Futures Development Corporation (SD&G CFDC) announced this week that it had successfully won its bid to host the 2006 annual conference of the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations (OACFDC).  The OACFDC represents 61 Community Futures Development Corporations across Ontario.  The 2006 conference marks the 20th anniversary of the annual conference.  “We were pleased that we succeeded in winning the bid to bring this important event to our community.  It will give us an opportunity to profile the great things going on here and to promote our region” stated Executive Director James dePater.

The conference will take place June 25 - 27, and will be hosted at the Nav Canada facility in Cornwall.  “We are in the process of exploring a variety of off-site locations to host venues related to the conference and we are also planning an itinerary for companions to the delegates”, dePater said.  The conference is expected to bring more than 350 delegates and their companions to Cornwall for the three day event.  The conference will cover areas such as investment and community economic development.

A volunteer committee was established that involves directors of the CFDC and is assisted by Mike Lalonde, Executive Manager of Cornwall & Seaway Valley Tourism.  “We look forward to working with the SD&G CFDC in welcoming the conference delegates to our area, and showing off some of our key attractions and amenities” said Lalonde.

Contact:  James dePater, Executive Director; SD&G Community Futures Development Corporation 613-932-4333 ext. 25

Mike Lalonde, Executive Manager, Cornwall and Seaway Valley Tourism 613-938-4748