
March 10, 2006

For immediate release – March 10, 2006

(In the tobacco growing communities of Brant, Elgin, Norfolk and Oxford Counties)

The Community Transition Program (CTP) is a $15 million fund established by the Province of Ontario to assist the tobacco-growing communities of the Counties of Brant, Elgin, Norfolk and Oxford to move to a sustainable economic base.  The CTP is contracted by the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations (OACFDC) and administered by the four Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) located in the tobacco-growing region to encourage long-term, sustainable economic development.

The following provides a snapshot of the CTP program activity as of March 1, 2006: 
- Applicants have submitted a total of 121 Pre-proposals to date
- These Pre-proposals represent CTP Grant requests in excess of $42 Million 
- The projects propose business investment in the region in excess of $350 Million 
- 7 projects have been approved for a total of just over $1.2 million

The 7 projects approved by the Project Approval Committee of the Community Transition Program as of March 1, 2006 are categorized as follows:

Crop Diversification 3 $ 269,464 
Large Scale Food Processing 1 $ 765,046 
Manufacturing 1 $ 95,070 
Tourism 1 $ 45,000 
Alternative Crop/Agri-tourism 1 $ 57,512 
Total Approved Funding 7 $ 1,232,092

Related to the 7 projects awarded CTP grants are these Funding Principles:

1) They clearly demonstrated that their project would not negatively affect other businesses within the tobacco growing region 
2) They clearly demonstrated tangible, sustainable economic benefits such as job creation 
3) They clearly demonstrated that the projects will assist the communities in the tobacco- growing region to diversify

“The good news is that there are literally hundreds of people within the tobacco growing communities who are working on projects for a possible grant from the Community Transition Program (CTP)” says Regional Coordinator John Klunder.  “The bad news is that the demand for CTP funding far exceeds the monies available”.

Asked if the CTP Program would be a success, John Klunder replied, “Yes.  The CTP has been a catalyst in getting projects started.  Local entrepreneurs supported by the program are willing to undertake an investment risk to improve our economic base.  Applicants are meeting with their accountants, discussing business plans with their families and taking positive steps towards diversification”.

Media Contact:  John Klunder – Regional Coordinator 
(519) 426-6147